Funding Opportunities for Lenders Blue Hen commercial loans have a 20% annualized interest rate return.
Plus, lenders are repaid prinicpal plus interest within 9 months.
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Structured Efficiency Blue Hen operates efficiently with low administrative costs, typically 5% of monthly
revenue, encompassing all direct accounting and third-party expenses for the life of the loan.
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Putting Lenders First Blue Hen invests in every single tranche with its lenders pari-passu only makes a profit
after all lenders have been fully paid back for the tranche.
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Who We Are

Blue Hen offers a low-risk factoring opportunity with Eligible Telecom Carriers (ETCs) in the Lifeline Program, realizing government receivables. This opportunity provides a superior return, and is a short-term commitment. Our lenders always receive cash flows back before Blue Hen realizes any profit.

What Is Factoring?

Factoring, or invoice financing, is an alternative financing method used by businesses and corporations to improve their cash flow and growth. When the monthly government receivables are realized, Blue Hen will pay the monthly third-party telecom charges and other third-party fees. Thereafter, all funds are segregated within that tranche until all lenders are paid back in full, plus the stated interest.

Start Factoring With Blue Hen Today.

How It Works


Legal Setup

Blue Hen prepares the commercial loan documents that include a security agreement for the lender for which monies are due within 30 days. Until its lenders are repaid, Blue Hen only collects 5% of monthly revenue during the life of that tranche.


Lifeline Distribution

Blue Hen purchases and delivers phones and wireless service to Lifeline recipients using established distribution channels to secure customers who are eligible for government-subsidized funding under the Lifeline Program. All fixed expenses are paid upfront within 60 days, so only the net revenue is realized thereafter.


Lifeline Services

Blue Hen serves Lifeline customers with phones and wireless service and oversees government compliance. Blue Hen also pays all monthly telecom charges to the ETC and carriers (such as Sprint) to retain the customer and receive the monthly government payments.


Tranche Repayment

Blue Hen accumulates monthly net monies and typically starts to pay back lenders within the fourth month. Another payment typically follows in approximately six months, and full principal and interest are paid within nine months. Unlike typical loan repayments, Blue Hen begins to pay back the tranche early as a courtesy to its lenders.


Residual Cash Flows

Once the lenders are all paid back in full, Blue Hen realizes a smaller return from operations each month as some customers change telecom providers or upgrade their phones with Blue Hen or another telecom provider. Blue Hen expects that with attrition, nearly all customers will be gone within two years, hence the continuing need for tranches.